Tuesday 28 May 2013

Creating the Animation.

The first thing i had to do was draw out my characters again but this time in separate parts.

After i had my parts i had to convert them into symbols so they become animation freindly.

After converting them i put the piece together to create my character. Then use the bone tool to draw the skeleton inside my character.

I then correct any over lapping of body parts the bone tool creates. I also had to add constraints to certain joins because they were to flexable.

i am now ready to animate all i have to do is move the joint where i want it and simply set a keyframe.

For the run cycle i used a template of a dog run cycle as a guide.

A guide was also used for Red riding hoods walk sequence. which i edited to give her a more confident walk.

Tim Burton

Timothy Walter "TimBurton (born August 25, 1958) is an American film directorfilm producerwriterartist and animator. He is famous for his dark, gothic, macabre and quirky take on horror and fantasy style movies such as BeetlejuiceEdward ScissorhandsThe Nightmare Before ChristmasEd WoodSleepy HollowCorpse BrideSweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet StreetDark Shadows and Frankenweenie, and for blockbusters such as Pee-wee's Big AdventureBatman, its first sequel Batman ReturnsPlanet of the ApesCharlie and the Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland


* Tim burtons animations are very interesting because he keeps the same dark, quirky horror theme but all his animations are different. It was good for me to see how he plays with the looks of his characters, colours and the surrounds.


Little Red Riding Hood Film 2011

Red Riding Hood is a 2011 American dark fantasy, thriller, and horror film directed by Catherine Hardwicke, produced by Leonardo DiCaprio and starring Amanda Seyfried as the title role, from a screenplay by David Leslie Johnson.
The film is very loosely based on the folk tale Little Red Riding Hood  collected by both Charles Perrault under the name "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge" (Little Red Riding Hood) and several decades later by the Brothers Grimm as "Rotkäppchen" (Little Red Cap). 
* Even thought we have choose not to use live action in our project i still think its important to acknowledge this version of the story as i fits in with our theme. The film creates it dark tone with its narrative, the location, lighting, colours and the visual look of the wolfs.


Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm (GermanBrüder Grimm or Die Gebrüder Grimm), Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859), were German academics, linguists, cultural researchers, lexicographers and authors who together collected and published folklore. They are among the most well-known storytellers of German folk tales, popularizing stories such as "Cinderella", "The Frog Prince", "Hansel and Gretel" (Hänsel und Gretel), "Rapunzel",, and "Snow White". Their first collection of folk tales,Children's and Household Tales, was published in 1812.

A mother asks her daughter to bring provisions to her grandmother living in the woods. Mom tells her daughter not to talk to strangers, but Little Red disobeys and speaks to a charming stranger, a wolf.

The wolf persuades her to dally in her journey, while he rushes to her grandmother's house. There he swallows grandmother whole before posing as her in an effort to trick Little Red Riding Hood. When she starts to catch on to the ruse, he swallows her whole as well.
Along comes a huntsman, looking to shoot wolves. Finding the wolf asleep in Grandmother's bed, he suspects the wolf may indeed have eaten Grandma and cuts open the wolf's stomach to find out. There he finds both Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood and rescues them before killing the wolf.

This Brothers Grimm version of Little Red Riding Hood doesn't end there. They flash forward to another time when Little Red encounters a wolf, only this time she acts more intelligently. This time she and Grandma conspire to successfully kill this 2nd wolf themselves.

*After reading the Brother Grimm version i can see the darker tone they have created in this version of the story. There is a lot more gore and violence which isn't directly told in the nursery version i grew up with.

But i was good to see what they had changed certain aspect of the story. and as our theme  is the darker side to this story we could maybe use parts of this as inspiration in our version of the story. 


Little Red Riding Hood background

"Little Red Riding Hood", also known as "Little Red Cap" or simply "Red Riding Hood", is a French and later European fairy tale about a young girl and a Big Bad Wolf. The story has been changed considerably in its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings. The story was first published by Charles Perrault.

The origins of the Little Red Riding Hood story can be traced to versions from various European countries and more than likely preceding the 17th century, of which several exist, some significantly different from the currently known, Brothers Grimm version. 

There are many different version of this story but the general plot revolves around a little girl who always wore red (little red ridding hood) her mother asked her to deliver something to her grandmother who lived on the other side of the woods. Her mother warned her not to talk to strangers on her journey. On her way to her grandmothers house she stopped to pick up flower for her. This is when she was approached by the wolf who had plans to eat her. Forgetting what her mother told her about talking to stranger she told the wolf her plans. This is when the wolf decide he would eat her grandmother too. The wolf runs to the grandmothers house and eats her, climbs into her bed and waits for the little girl to arrive.
When the little girl arrives she notices that her grandmother seems different, as she tries to investigate the wolf tries to eat her. A wood cutter who was passing by hears her scream and comes to her rescue. He beats up the wolf and rescues the grandma from the wolfs belly and they all live happily ever after. 

The moral of the story being don't talk to strangers, which is why it is told to children in nursery. 


Little Red Riding Hood - Final Animation

Here is our finished piece of the recreation of "Little Red Riding Hood".

made by Anthony, Eniola, Quincy and Adnan

Monday 27 May 2013

Evaluation: Adnan

The story which we chose to animate in the form of mixed media was the famous "Little Red Riding Hood". As a group of four, we decided on the first day who was going to be doing what and we agreed upon three different forms of media; 3D, 2D and Kinetic Typography. Anthony decided he wanted to create the forest in Maya, this involved modelling, adding textures, lighting the environment and finally rendering camera angles which took a few days to complete. Quincy's role was to design and model the house where the grandmother was to live. This house turned out very appealing, it was also done in Maya where again, textures, lights and modelling would have to have been added to achieve the desired look. Eniola preferred to design and animate our characters which was done to a high level. He used Adobe Flash which is definitely not a favourite from amongst our group but again Eniola took up the challenge and achieved a great look. I was very grateful to be doing the Typography for the group as I really enjoyed doing it in the previous assignment. The software I used was Adobe After effects.

I believe our animation has turned out a success, I really didn't think it was going to turn out so well the day we were given the assignment. I strongly believe we have a achieved the horror genre we were going for, the forest and the house is undoubtedly a spooky environment, the characters have a unique look to them especially the wolf who was designed to look evil. For the font I had originally found three different types of which were then narrowed down to the groups favourite.

- The composites of the 2D characters and 3D environments were done really well I think. Everything is positioned perfectly which gives a 3D space illusion.
- More than enough footage, I was a little worried that we wouldn't be able to hit the 2 minute mark but it turns out we passed it.

- It's a shame that our forest scene doesn't have a sky which would have made it much more effective, However, I did say that I would try and add a sky in the end in After Effects but it turned out to be too complicated to achieve.
- I am not sure if the Typography works when there is footage on screen, I did try an keep the words to a minimum but still turns out to be a distraction to the viewer.
- I also think that the narration was a bit too deep and hard to understand at certain points in the animation.

All in all I am proud of our final animation, I am impressed by what our group has been able to achieve and most definitely would have been a nightmare to attempt this individually.
