Sunday, 19 May 2013

Anthony's final evaluation of the group project

Final Evaluation, Anthony:

Whilst working together as a group of four, myself, Qunicy, Adnan and Eniola have all contributed to what I believe to be a fantastic piece of mixed media animated work. The original theme of our project was to re-create a version of Little red riding hood which would in-corporate three separate powerful forms of animation together, the three we concluded on where 3D, 2D and Typography. We choose these particular forms of mixed media as we believe each of them bring different aspects to the table and all in all help contribute to re-creating an original version of the child hood story "Little Red Riding hood"

The initial idea and types of mixed media we were going to use were established relatively fast. After considering the forms of mixed media, we then went on to separate the three sections by delegating the 3D to the scenes, 2D to the characters and of course the Typography towards the text and narrative of the story.

Every member of the group has different skill sets. In class we discussed with one and other what we could bring to the table. After carefully considering and listening to everyone's thoughts and opinions  we were able to delegate individual roles to everyone. looking back at this form of delegation, I can safely say that it was the right thing to do as everyone was able to do something they enjoyed as well as having there own unique footprint within the final animated scene.

Eniola choose to do the 2D characters within our project which consisted of drawing and creating the characters, followed by different animated sequences which were done in flash. I personally feel that the characters are original designs which correspond well with our story. The colours he used were bold which helped enhance the overall felling of presence each character has. After carefully analyzing all the individual animated sequences, I can conclude that the animation is smooth and works well with 3D scenes which were created. In addition to the above, all the characters interact well with one and other which has seriously helped bring the scene together. The importance of the 2D aspect within our final project is obvious as the scene wouldn't make sense without it. To conclude, I feel that Eniola has contributed a great amount to our final project and has provided outstanding work which interlinks well with everyone else.

Adnan was the next to choose his preference of the different forms of mixed media. From analyzing our previous work we had completed so far this year, everyone could clearly see that Adnan had created a fantastic typography. He therefore decided to take on the role of narrating and using text to bring the story to life. Throughout the project Adnan posted several different ideas and types of typography on blogger, we as a group over viewed what he had come up with and helped him decide on a final text format as well as colours applied, scale and the narrative voice itself. He aimed to achieve something which would interact well with the rest of the animation whilst not over powering the scene's themselves. We were very weary of the presence a typography could have and therefore told Adnan to carefully consider each separate aspect of the typography carefully. The final outcome was extremely eye catching and seemed to blend in well with the 2D and 3D aspects. I myself am very fond of the font that has been used as it works particularly well with the forest. Overall I would say Adnan has created an interesting typography using a large spectrum of ideas and applied them accordingly within the scenes. His contribution within the group was of a high standard and helped motivate others along the way.

Quincy's role within the project was to create a 3D house and bedroom using any program of his choice. The main aim for Quincy was to create an interesting original fairy tale like scene which go's hand in hand so to say with my forest scene. He initially created an interesting cottage/hut like scene, however after carefully evaluating it, Quincy decided it wasn't stylized in a similar manner to that of the forest, thus deciding to redo the scene. What he then came up with was completely different original idea which instantly looked like a fairy tale house. The layout of the bricks, walls and windows were very interesting as they have been carefully placed to simulate an old run down home lived in by an elderly person. My personal favorite aspect of his scene is the textures he has applied throughout the house. You can clearly see that all the textures have been carefully put together and bounce off of one and other. In addition to this, lighting in and around the house creates interesting shadows and gives of a spooky like look upon the forest. Quincy's input towards the group project was second to none as he constantly provided opinions and solutions to many problems along the way. The final scene which he came up with was carefully thought out and interlinked well with the 2D characters, 3D forest scene and Typography.

My role within the Group was to create an interesting fairy tale forest within a 3D space. I aimed to make it as interesting as possible and therefore decided to create quite detailed trees. The first idea that came into my head was to display signs of life and death, this was done by creating dead trees along with fresh green grass. I redone my forest half way through the project as I felt the original forest wasn't able to fit in with Quincy's scene that well. This lead me to change several things ranging from textures to lighting. Once I had completed the knew scene I could clearly see that it would interact well with the house as the textures from both scenes fit well together. We then tested the forest scene by doing some composites of typography into the scene within after affects, this seemed to be a success as the typography and forest worked well together. My personal favorite aspect about the forest is the texture that has been applied to the trees as it brings everything to life. I then went on to create an original script based off of the you tube "Little Red Riding hood" version we choose. I ensured the script wasn't to long as I had to ensure each scene would fit in well in terms of timing ect. The overall story turned out to be 1 minute 35 seconds which was very similar to the version we based ours upon. To conclude, I would say my input into the project matched that of everyone else's. I gave 100% into my work and corrected many mistakes I made along the way with others help and guidance.

All in all everyone provided expertise and motivation throughout the mixed media project. We encountered and over come several obstacles which only made us stronger and learn as a group. I can personally say that I have learnt allot from the work I have done as well as the problems and mistakes I underwent. The support of my group was incredible as we were in constant contact with one and other over the phone and on blogger on a daily basis.

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