As i wait for the guys to composite their parts of the animation I have made a test Intro of my typography to see how the final piece will begin, this allows feedback from the group as to what they think works and what they think doesn't work. We know that typography will be used to open the animation so i played around with the background by using a draft sequence made by Eniola and Anthony and made it blurred so it doesn't distract the viewer from the typography.
I like some parts, I don't think the blurred background footage works. I think you should make a background that doesn't involve the scene but complements the text...maybe an open old ragedy book (still) manipulated in photoshop for the desired look, then have the text and images appearing in/on it...? Quincy.
I like the beginning with the big title that comes up. Yeah the animation cant go on while that's happening but I think it will be good if we leave the pan while the typography is happening and after the title she comes out from behind the tree and the animation starts?